Online Expert Talk by Asienbrücke e.V. and Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung e.V.
Conflict in Myanmar: The challenges of doing business in the country and the possible implications for investment in the region.
Over a period of ten years, from 2011 until 2021, Myanmar has often been described as a country in the process of transforming from a dictatorship to a democracy. The country received extensive international investments through development agencies, as well as international businesses. Leading international corporations and companies, from logistics to telecoms and textiles, invested heavily in Myanmar during that time period.
The overthrow of the government in Myanmar on February 1st, 2021 effectively reversed more than a decade’s worth of political progress. Furthermore, the economic impacts have been similarly severe, with the economy shrinking annually and the internal conflict escalating to a civil war situation since the coup. As a result, the people of Myanmar are experiencing significant hardship, with over three million individuals displaced internally and nearly half of the population living below the poverty line.
The ongoing conflict has led to a significant increase in transnational crime and illicit activities. The Myanmar border has become a global hub for scam centers and drug trafficking, with criminal networks controlling and benefiting from billions of euros in revenue. Fraud networks not only operate in the region but also extend into Europe and America.
Introduction and Moderation:
Andreas Scheuer, Federal Minister ret.: President of Asienbrücke e.V.
Achim Munz: Country Director Myanmar of Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung e.V.
Karina Ufert: CEO of EuroCham Myanmar
Jason G. Tower: Country Director of the United States Institute of Peace
Alexander Bohusch: Partner of Luther Law Firm